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Boards and Committees
Get to Know the Faces behind Colorado Ninety-Nines
Since our founding in 1941, the Colorado Ninety-Nines has developed and grown exponentially. We’re very proud of the expertise of our members and their abilities to contribute their own unique experience and skills to our success.
Board of Directors

Jane Link - Chair

June Stewart - Vice Chair
Amanda Willson - Secretary

Sue Osborne - Treasurer

Carly Anderson - Director

Robbi Fung - Director
Committee Chairs
Airmarking: Terry Fiala Laura Abraham
Amelia Earhart Scholarship: Jane Link
Archivist: Jan McKenzie
Chapter Scholarship: Bev Sinclair
Flying Activities: Stephanie Wells Sarah Denton
Membership: Jan McKenzie
Newsletter: Margot Plummer
News Reporter: Lydia Baldwin
Nominating: Stephanie Wells Vanita Gallo Bonita Andes
Poker Run: Amanda Willson
Programs: Stephanie Wells
Youth Outreach: Audrey Grace
Other Chapter Contacts:
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